‘Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty’ lyrics in German

Gray cat sleeping on the couch

When Amy sing ‘Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty’ to Sheldon, it sounds like this:

Weiches Kätzchen, warmes Kätzchen,
das nie und nimmer möht,
liebes Kätzchen, müdes Kätzchen,
schnörrt, schnörrt, schnörrt.

But in fact, there are some liberties with the German language.

The 3rd word in fact is "wormes", (with o) but its clear, that it should be "warmes" (with a).

Also she is singing Kätzen instead of Kätzchen all four times.

But bravo: She did sing müdes correctly (I was expecting u instead of ü, a mistake almost every English native speaker makes, but Amy didn't.)

Neither "möht" nor "schnörrt" are German words. Similar words are:

  • muht
    A form of muhen (to moo), but this is the verb to the sound a cow makes. The sound itself is "muh". When a cat makes a sound the verb is miauen (to meow) the sound is "miau". If this verb was used instead of möht it's form should have been "miaut" But this makes no sense here. A cat that never meows makes no sense. Btw: mi-aut has two syllables, so it wouldn't fit into the rhythm of the song.
  • schnurrt
    This is a form of "schnurren" (to purr), which is another sound that cats can make. But when you use it like it is usd in this poem, you use only the stem of the verb, which is "schnurr". So the last line should de: schnurr, schnurr, schnurr. Some possible translations of "happy" (1st word in line 3) are:
  • glücklich (happy, lucky, fortunate, contented, ...)
  • fröhlich (festive, cheerful, gleeful, jolly, happy, gay, ...)
  • zufrieden (happy, pleased, satisfied, content, ...)
  • froh (glad, pleased, happy, cheery, ...)

But lieb (dear, good, nice, beloved) is not a good translation of "happy".

So the correct translation is:

Weiches Kätzchen, warmes Kätzchen,
kleiner Fellball,
glückliches Kätzchen, müdes Kätzchen,
schnurr, schnurr, schnurr

An alternative translation of the 2nd line is “kleiner Ball aus Fell’, then the song will sound like this:

Weiches Kätzchen, warmes Kätzchen,
kleiner Ball aus Fell,
glückliches Kätzchen, müdes Kätzchen,
schnurr, schnurr, schnurr.

Many thanks to participants of this thread for their contribution.

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